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AI powered show notes for your podcast

Podflow helps creators grow organically with SEO show notes, blog articles, social media assets and more.

Podflow saves creators
10 thousand hours every single year

"So I have tried like 3 other show note creators, by far yours is the best hands down!"
- Gretchen Schoser
Sh!t that goes on in our heads
"Calling all podcasters!

I want to introduce you to a solution I came across a few months ago that has dramatically decreased the amount of time I spend after a podcast shoot preparing social media posts.

This solution is called "Podflow".

[I have no affiliation nor am I being compensated for this post. I genuinely believe in the solution, and that's it!]


The first time I used it, I reached out to the founders and told them they saved me more than 2 hours of work for one episode.

They will let you try it out for free, and I just happily became a paying customer."
- Spencer Smith
Self Funded with Spencer
"Holy crap dude, this is incredible! I didn't know stuff like this was even possible! I'm completely blown away right now.

All the work that I never feel like doing was just done for me in a matter of minutes."
- Amanda Blackwood
Podcast Host - Root of Power
"They have developed on of the most impressive apps in the podcast arena that I have come across. It is called It can take an audio or video download and create a wealth of content, such as show notes, key highlights, memorable quotes, social media sharing materials, and even blogs. It does so quickly and efficiently, usually in less than 5 minutes. PodFlow also has an audio enhancement which is most excellent.
- Tom Fox
Host of over 15 podcasts
"Shoutout to Podflow Al for being a great tool for solopreneurs like me who are juggling 100 things at the same time, and for helping us reduce the time we spend on marketing our podcast by creating dope content for us! Check them out!"
- Madhurima Sappatti
The Soul's Conquest
"I don't like doing marketing. It *was* my least favorite part about podcasting, but now I can leave that part to you. Thank you!!!"
- Amy Zinn
Author & Host

Content designed to help you
boost your visibility

show notes

No more backlog of episodes to be published. Our SEO optimized shownotes will boost your show's visibility in search.

timestamped outline

Key topics and ideas formatted as a bullet point list with timestamps so your listeners can share their favorite part with a friend.

title suggestions

Choose from a list of scroll-stopping titles to build your podcast audience.


We curate the most memorable moments in your podcast, and include timestamps so you can turn quotes into clips for social media.

blog articles

Boost SEO by publishing the articles based on details and ideas in your episode. This increases your chances of appearing in search results.

guest introduction

Have a guest? Introduce their background and experiences that have shaped their perspectives.

social media content

Remind your listeners to check out your new episode using our post suggestions.


A full transcript with timestamps, speaker detection, and industry leading accuracy. Perfect for accessibility, discoverability, and repurposing.

pro sound studio

Clean up background noise and level your volume so that your audio sounds crystal clear no matter where you record.

Just copy & paste

We like to keep things simple at Podflow. There’s no need to call your tech wizard friend or watch 12 tutorials. We automate your entire workflow — just copy and paste.
* no credit card required
Upload to Podflow
Give us an exclusive sneak peek at your incredible discussion
Tell us who’s talking
This is the secret sauce - this makes our AI ultra-accurate
BAM! It’s as if you’ve hired a full production team
"AI makes stuff up. AI sounds unnatural. AI isn’t creative." True! But not anymore. We've spent thousands of hours and we've performed over 5,000 experiments to train and tune our AI. Now, we have people saying "Holy crap dude, this is incredible! I didn't know stuff like this was even possible! I'm completely blown away right now.” Our AI is special because it is designed to be accurate and sound natural. We generate content based on your ideas, your perspectives, and details from your content. Trust us to take care of the boring stuff, so that you have the time to create something awesome.
10X your reach
Podflow does the boring stuff so you can focus on your message. Give it a try for free :)
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